Happy New Year!

Just a quick note to wish everybody a very happy new year. Let’s hope 2022 offers good health, fewer variants, and a couple of steps forward on the path to normalcy.


In case your supply of faith and optimism needs to be replenished, I highly recommend Mitch Albom’s Have a Little Faith. Having reconnected with his hometown rabbi, Albom begins a nearly decade-long journey to better understand how his rabbi’s faith perseveres through difficult times. In the midst of this journey, Albom becomes acquainted with another man of faith, a Detroit pastor who left behind a world of drugs and crime to preach to a poor inner-city community. Albom’s recounting of his experience with these two men of faith is touching and inspirational, even for (or probably especially for) readers who no longer feel connected to the religion they grew up with.



A couple weeks ago, one of my flash fiction pieces was published on Friday Flash Fiction, a website devoted to stories of under 100 words. You can read it here.



As I look out the window and see my car getting smothered by Chicago’s first snowfall of the season, I wish I could be at the beach with Mickey. Can you spot the ten differences?


Multicultural Children’s Book Day


Feeling Full